I have discovered the wonderfulness of wax! The brackets felt a little scratchy against my mouth but didn't hurt too bad the first day. But last night and this morning were different. Every time I spoke or moved my lips it hurt and I already have at least one ulcer. So I put some of this wax on the brackets that offended me the most. It looks and feels a little bulky, but eventually I wont have to use it at all. i just need time for my mouth to adjust to all this gear.
The wax also came in a pack that i ordered from USA. This kit has been very handy and convenient, right from the very beginning. The kit itself is only 6x4" and maybe 1 1/2" thick. It has everything in it I will ever need and so compact! Love it :-D My daughter actually said she wanted to get braces so that she could have one of these cool bags!

My favourite and most necessary piece of equipment is this tool called 'Li'l Palates Sweeper'. It has gotten me out of trouble when I thought I couldn't handle having food stuck between the expander and the roof of my mouth. I had a tablet stuck there first and I was so thankful to be able to get it out.
Very Nice And Informative Article, I read useful dental news which are very helpful for me, thx for sharing. orthodontic wires,self ligating brackets is most important for clinics.
orthodontic wax