Friday, 23 September 2011

Day 5

I am pleased to say that I am starting to get used to all this gear in my mouth. I even ate some food today that didn't look like soup :-D My teeth are still very tender to chew with, but i am trying to convince them that they aren't... it's a work in progress. I had another first tonight; I flossed my teeth! I flossed the upper teeth first and then tried to do the lower, but that didn't happen. They actually feel like they are more crowded at the moment. I ripped the floss in to shreds just by flossing normally! Now that I know it wasn't very successful, I am going to try and find some wax covered floss with the special ortho hard tip. Any suggestions where I can find this or what brands are best??

The expander has started to feel like it's kinda cutting my tongue... not that extreme but just hurt it I guess. I am trying to be more conscious of where my tongue is sitting in my mouth to prevent this from happening as much. See how it goes.

Other than that, I have been feeling tired all week and not much like eating. It's such an effort to eat and then clean my teeth every time. So I have been eating only two or three meals per day (very small meals) and no snacks = losing weight already YAY!!!!! :-D So the makeover begins... 

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