Sunday 2 October 2011

4 Days Left............

Can't believe there are only four days left 'til the surgery!!! I'm really starting to feel a little worried now...

What will happen before the surgery, will i sit around half the day and wait, getting nervous by the minute?

Will I have needles put in my body while I'm awake?

What happens when I wake up, will I have tubes down my throat or nose??

Am I going to vomit?

Will I bleed lots?

And of course the big one... will I die???

As you can see, I have lots of questions going through my mind; some reasonable, others not so much... I feel it is the waiting that is the worst and the not knowing everything. So please, please pray for me that I'll be fine and my nerves will settle down ASAP?!

Thank you xx

By the way, here are some more pics :-)

Rapid Palatal Expander

Braces Week 1

Braces Week 2

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